Trinity Vista Dermatology, located in Fort Worth, offers a full array of treatment for sun spots, age spots, or melasma.  The causes of dark spots are varied, but sun damage, hormonal effects, and inflammation all play a role.  Our team offers a comprehensive approach to address cosmetic and medical causes of hyperpigmentation.

For typical sun spots, Sciton® BBL/photofacial treatments, Sciton® Halo laser, prescription bleaching agents, or chemical peels may be most helpful. Stubborn cases of melasma may be further addressed with microneedling, Sciton® Halo laser, or even oral medications in some cases. With all patients who have pigmentation issues, daily protection with a broad-spectrum sunscreen is required.   Addition of a topical antioxidant can enhance results as well.

What can I expect after a chemical peel?
The day of the peel, the patient may have a sunburned appearance and mild swelling.  The actual peeling of the skin will begin on days 2-4 and usually resolve by day 5-7.

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